We assist attorneys in building trust and developing strong and connected relationships with jurors by presenting their case in a form that is visually receivable and effective.
In our experience, we have discovered that jurors’ willingness to understand and pay attention tends to fade when lawyers or witnesses make the case sound complicated. Our knowledge of aesthetics and our deep understanding of visual perception are used to create presentations that can be understood without difficulty while leaving a lasting impression on the Jury — making you the leader to watch during trial! Please take a moment to let us know what brought you here — we are eager to hear about your case and what you have in mind. Digital portfolio available upon request.
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Bridgette Mathews gained a deep understanding of the influential power of visual communication after studying graphic design at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.
The combination of her abilities to think conceptually and laterally as a designer and having a brilliant trial attorney as her father allowed her the access and insight to bridge the gap between design and law. The merging of these two worlds has created a fantastic opportunity for her to participate in seeking truth and justice by doing what she loves to do most: design.